Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

Set Intentions, Not Resolutions

An intention is a statement that encompasses a broader, more positive mindset…..which allows for flexibility and growth.

Intentions encourage you to cultivate a desired state of being rather than trying to change something specific.

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting is a therapeutic technique to help clients harness their brain and body's natural ability to release and clear trauma, disordered thinking and blocks toward growth.

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

Celebrating Independence Day

What if we made Independence Day more than just a celebration of our nation’s independence? What if we also made an effort to create sovereignty and freedom in our own lives?

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

Looking for some ideas on HOW to relax?

Relaxation is a vital part of our mental health as well as our emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. It leads to stress reduction, improved mental health, physical health, and others.

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

Mental Health Matters

Mental health is crucial for individual flourishing, healthy relationships and societal well-being. By recognizing the importance of mental health and prioritizing efforts to promote mental well-being, we can create a more compassionate, resilient, and equitable society for all.

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

Meditate Anyway

We get to practice again and again to bring the focus back to the breath and let thoughts be there without attaching to them.

There is a benefit in learning this process.

This process in itself is meditative….Just. Focus. On. Your. Breath.

Some days, just giving myself time to breathe is all I need to do to re-set my nervous system and feel more peaceful.

You do not have to have a perfectly still mind to meditate. Just observe and breathe, my friend.

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

you KNOW

When your body talks, do you listen?

Do you listen to all of the parts that want your attention?

Can you be present to everything that shows up without judgment, going into a story or fighting what IS?

There is a part of you that is connected to all that is.

A part of you that knows that it knows that it knows.

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand


RESTING appears to be something that we feel we don’t have time for, don’t make time for, or have forgotten to incorporate into our lives entirely.

So what do we need to do?


Slow down.

REST your body.

Rest your mind.

Rest your SOUL.

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

Do it Anyway

There is some value in starting off the New Year with an intention or goal to tweak something, lose a bad habit, or change a pattern that you have wanted to change for years.

How do you find that magical middle ground?

You know…that place between “YES! I am ready to change!” ……..and not feeling like a piece of garbage because after about ten days you lose momentum and go right back to old ways/patterns/behavior.

40 days.

40 days to change.

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand

Are you listening?

Can you take some time today to deeply listen?

Stop. Pause. Take a deep breath.

What is your body saying to you?

Can you allow yourself to become aware of the sensations that are trying to get your attention?

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Tammy Hildebrand Tammy Hildebrand


I am so thankful I took my time out in the laundry room and allowed myself to sink into what my body was feeling. I got to see my daughter’s behavior differently as a result. Since that exile, I have been able to ride the waves of her tantrums with the inner knowing that fierce is who she is. Fierce will take her far. This spitfire spirit is what got her here and I absolutely love her for it.

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